August 4, 2007

The 10 Downing Street Drugs Report

In 2002/3, the British Prime Minister's office conducted a study on the drug war. The first, and most informative, of the reports, intended for internal consumption, is analysed here.

About Psychotonic

Psychotonic is a blog that examines issues related to illicit drugs and the policies that govern them.

My overall bias is that prohibition is an irrational approach to dealing with drug-taking and drug-related adversities. Drug
abuse is distinct from use, and the primary barrier to sound policy is the refusal to recognize & implement this distinction. Prohibition, which both promotes, and is promoted by dogmas, is a blunt approach that doesn't help the situation and even diminishes the potential for a constructive approach. In abstract terms, prohibition is sustained by fear, uncertainty and doubt. Eventually, drugs must be tamed, not thrown away.

Psychotonic will be updated, as & when, interesting information or thoughts arise.